Need instructions? Click here.
I promise I'll try to make it quick.
Your room code
Share this URL to invite your friends to play.

There's nobody here.

Either you have the wrong room code, or your host hasn't entered their name yet.

The game has already started.

Ask the game host to start a new game, so you can join.

{{'#' + player.employeeNumber}}
ROUND {{round.number}} / {{maxRounds}}

First, select your password challenge.

  • {{round.challenge.nameAsRule}}
  • {{round.challenge.hint}}
  • There are {{round.possibleAnswerCount}} possible
  • Average password size is {{round.averageSize}} characters
  • There's an average of {{round.averageVowels}} vowels
  • {{rule.message}}
  • Passwords are case-insensitive
  • There is a system bug.There are {{round.bugs.length}} system bugs.
  • {{bug}} will cause a system crash.

Info in this color is for admin eyes only.

Add a Password Rule

You have {{my.rulebux}}ƒ to spend

Before an employee can type a password

Add a bug to the system.

Enter a word to use as a bug.

If a player tries to use that word as a password, the system will crash (and you earn points.)

FYI, next time you're SysAdmin, you can buy additional bugs for 1ƒ.

You may add {{my.rulebux}} additional bugs to the system

Employees are trying to enter passwords...

System Crash!

Congratulations! {{}} has crashed the system with the password {{round.crash.word}}

You have earned 100 points

This round is over.

BigCorp Middle Management is pleased with all the passwords which have been provided. Management sincerely hopes nobody tries to hack any of the passwords given.

Middle management is unsatisfied with the passwords provided. A new SysAdmin will be named.

BigCorp thanks you for your service! 🙂

Now clean out your desk immediately.

Employee #{{my.employeeNumber}}
ROUND {{round.number}} / {{maxRounds}}
{{my.passwordAttempts}} tries
SCORE: {{players[my.playerIndex].score}}
  • {{round.challenge.nameAsRule}}
  • HINT: {{round.challenge.hint}}
  • {{rule.message}}
  • Passwords are case-insensitive
  • There is a system bug.There are {{round.bugs.length}} system bugs.

Your password rules are still being created by {{computedSysAdminName}}, your friendly and helpful System Administrator.

Please Wait

This round is over.


Create Your Password.

  • {{err}}

BigCorp Middle Management is pleased with all the passwords which have been provided. Management sincerely hopes nobody tries to hack any of the passwords given.

Your password(s) have been sent to BigCorp Middle Management, who finds them lacking. A new SysAdmin will be named to help create better passwords.

flying pig
Hurry Up

Server error in '/' Application

Description: An unhandled exception occured when {{}} entered the password {{round.crash.word}}

Source Error

Line 109113:     protected isTheSiteCrashed(ooobject pwassword) {
Line 109114:       while (password != error) {
Line 109115:         destroyWebsite = false;
Line 109116:       }
Line 109117:     }

Password Entered


Employee Record

EMPloyeeNuumber:     {{round.crash.player.employeeNumber}}
EMpoyeeNAME:         {{}}

Source File

Version Information:
BigCorp Framework Version 4.00.1134.Release5-Final--Version2.TestBuild-5

Played rounds...

  1. {{round.challenge}}

Game Over!

{{(index + 1)}}
{{r.sysAdmin}} presented...
  • {{m.message}}
  • {{r.sysAdmin}} didn't set any rules.
  • {{b}} was a bug
  • {{r.sysAdmin}} didn't create any bugs.
There were {{r.possibleAnswers}} possible answers
  1. {{players[a.playerIndex].name}} tried {{a.pwAttempt}}, which crashed the server.

In the final round...

There were {{computedUncrackedPasswords.length}} secure passwords.
There were no secure passwords.

Employee Awards

Model Employee
Successfully created {{computedCheevos.mostPasswords.passwordsCreated}} passwords
cyberpunk pig
Cracked {{computedCheevos.bestCracker.cracks}} passwords
victim pig
Password cracked {{computedCheevos.mostCracked.cracked}} times.
derp pig
Cracked their own password {{computedCheevos.mostSelfPwns.selfPwn}} times
crash happy pig
Crashed the system {{computedCheevos.mostCrashes.crashesCaused}} times
quick finger pig
Quickie Fingers
Attempted {{computedCheevos.mostAttempts.passwordAttempts}} passwords

And so, the scores...


This game is by Lemon.


Found a bug? Want to suggest your own password categories? Submit an issue on GitHub.